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Should I Sue Big Tobacco?

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

At Tein Malone, we take pride in our legal record against Big Tobacco. These cases matter - here's why.

To this day, the tobacco industry spends billions of dollars annually marketing products with extensive and conclusively proven detrimental health effects. The CDC reports that big tobacco companies spend nearly $1M per hour on advertising alone. Many of these advertising campaigns target minority communities and children in an effort to replace their ailing customer base. Tobacco companies are acutely aware of the harm their products cause, which is why they invested a large portion of their marketing dollars targeting children. The younger a person becomes addicted to cigarettes, the longer they can remain a customer. The tobacco industry's marketing efforts are a large part of why so many Americans are suffering from smoking-related illnesses today.

As of 2017, nearly 250 billion cigarettes are sold annually in the United States. Moreover, more than 16 million Americans are currently living with a smoking-related illness, and nearly 500,000 individuals in the United States die each year from smoking-related causes. In our cases against big tobacco, we have repeatedly proven that tobacco companies know the harm their products cause and held them financially liable for the smoking-related illnesses our clients have suffered.

Not only do Tein Malone's cases against big tobacco result in the awarding of millions of dollars to our clients but, by participating as a plaintiff in these cases, you can stand with us in holding big tobacco companies accountable for their blatant disregard for the health and livelihood of their customers. Each successful suit against the tobacco industry helps build a precedent to bolster the next. By making it clear to big tobacco companies that they can and will be held liable for millions of dollars in damages, we are disincentivizing their continued disregard for the American public.

We are not just pursuing a financial victory for the communities and individuals we represent but a moral victory against an industry with no regard for the people they harm. If you or a loved one is currently suffering from a smoking-related illness, call us today. You won't pay anything unless we win.


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